Writing Coaching

If you’re like most writers—including me, you fear rejection, criticism, and just not being good enough. That’s normal. Writers are story tellers, but the best stories shouldn’t be the fiction that shapes your limiting beliefs and prevents you from obtaining your goals. Whatever you focus on you’re going to get. If you think it won’t be good, it won’t.

As a writer you offer a different perspective that can be so valuable to your target audience, so they can benefit from your vulnerability, courage and creativity. For this to happen you need to write. SIN’s coaching is for writers that are feeling stuck in their mental/emotional writing journey and are ready to face their fear of rejection in order to write the first draft of a short or feature-length screenplay and/or any revisions.

you will receive

SIN’s writing coaching does not include propaganda or prejudicial false narratives about race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, religion or any other paradigm that’s harmful to a person or group of people.